Global CO2 Increases Are Slowing — Our Eco-Friendly Solutions Help You Play Your Part

Reduce Emissions

Optimised ventilation, cooling and climatic systems help firms in the food production industry reduce energy costs, recycle waste heat and reduce carbon footprints.

If your energy usage is too high, we can formulate the ideal solution.

Global trends

We’re encouraged by research from the Netherlands showing there’s been a recent slowdown in global CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases — and that the UK is one of a handful of nations that can boast an overall reduction.

But London’s an outlier in this otherwise positive trend — breaking its annual air pollution limit just five days into the year and forcing mayor Sadiq Khan to pledge double the funding to tackle the problem over the next five years.

Our solutions

Contributing to a greener environment is everyone’s responsibility, but businesses are at the vanguard of tackling climate change and energy efficiency — if we don’t pull our weight, these admirable aims are impossible to fulfil.

Penmann products can be optimised to operate efficiently with low outputs, using clean energy that doesn’t damage the planet.

If you want to lead the way towards a green food sector while you save money and increase productivity, call us on 0113 202 7300 or email

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