Cake decorating? Who’d have thought it?!

Team Engagement Cake Decorating

A recent and possibly unusual challenge in our Team Engagement programme was an exercise that demanded creativity and skill during the process!

Judith Lodge our TE organiser thought it would be a great idea to see how we all fared with decorating a cake! This was met with some scepticism from a few quarters but as usual everyone got into the swing of things and after the initial ‘shock’ the room was soon buzzing with banter and comment.

All we had were the decorating tools and the cakes themselves – the rest was up to us. Imagination reigned and the results ranged from good to variable!

We may not have discovered any Bake-Off stars of the future during the session but we certainly had fun and it typified exactly why we run the programme – a chance to socialise in a light hearted way with colleagues during a lunchtime, share views and get a little competitive with each other.

And – above all a demonstration of how at Penmann we can turn pretty much turn our hand to any challenge that comes our way.

No idea what our next challenge will be – always a closely guarded secret.

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