Amazing discovery in our archives from 49 years ago!

Penmann first orders June 1975

Rooting around in old files and records we ran across the company’s early order book! Here is the page from June 1975 where we recorded our first ever orders – handwritten of course, and without the detail that today’s record keeping affords us.

Once again, it’s testament to the longevity of our business started by Laurie Kirwin, and managed and developed in recent years by Damian and John Kirwin.

Times might have changed but the things that characterise Penmann’s business have not:

  • Technically excellent unique solutions
  • Dedicated expert team
  • Customer focused quality delivered at every level
  • Repeat orders from well-known brands

If we can help you overcome production challenges, particularly in the areas of decarbonising your factory and energy efficiency – you can call us on 0113 202 7300 or visit the website for more comprehensive information and solutions to common challenges in food production.

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